First Day Update

It’s our first day – be gentle!

Hi everyone and welcome to the first live day of the site and blog!

We'd just like to say thanks to everyone who has got us to this point, it has been a looong journey, and hopefully you will find it a useful one we have taken as we move through 2013.

In particular mentions go to Simon Gamester at Rootsol who gave the Cycle PaD team a good listening to when we were structuring and building the site; Northumberland National Park (Duncan & Colin) for their faith and support; Northumberland Tourism (akaVisit Northumberland and Jude) for the reality checks and on-going support; and Ted Liddle for his invaluable cycling resource (aka his brain!)

Last of the Oscar thanks goes to the groups on Linked In who we polled about what they would want out of a county wide cycling website, the response was amazing and consistent, and we hope we fullfil all your comments over this year.

So to finish our first blog - you will note we have plenty of gaps to fill on the site, you can imagine the task to fill them, but what is important is that we fill them with the right content and information, and give out  the right messgage. That's why we have gone live, we can all pedal along together!

How do we do that?

Well it's a bit of us, a bit of you and a bit of 'that lot' (whoever they are). Fedback and detailed content is what we want. If you send us a bit of text, with a photo and contact details it makes it so much easier (and likely!) that we can get it on the site asap. Please don't just send us a website address and say " it's all on there"

If you are a business and you are either not on there, or think your listing needs tweaking, give us a shout

If you are a community group or event organiser and want to raise the profile of what you are doing, or be supported, give us a shout

If you are one of our Agencies, NGOs, Councils, Parish Councils, Development Trusts, TIC's, Heritage Centres, give us a shout, we want to work with you

Keep an eye on the blog, plenty to follow! 



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